Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gender Reveal!

Well, it's official, we're having a......


We couldn't be more thrilled. Not that we were going to be disappointed either way, but it's just nice to know for sure. I thought Matt would spontaneously combust this morning, he was so filled to the brim with excitement! It was adorable. It was also his first time seeing the baby in person since he wasn't able to be at my first ultrasound. I loved seeing him in awe of our baby's little movements. I actually have to go back tomorrow so that they can hopefully get a better view of the heart, not that anything is wrong, but our little boy had his arms crossed and over his chest so they couldn't get a really clear view. We had some views but I guess they weren't extensive enough or something. So that settles it, this summer I will have three new nephews and a son (all within about a month and a half of each other)! I guess the boys have it this year! And for your viewing pleasure, here is a profile view of our little boy:

Also, he is in the 50th percentile for size which I'm very happy with - the less I have to push out, the better. The doctor also said I was doing really well, all my vitals and tests were good, and that's always nice to hear. Since my first appointment, I've gained about two pounds which is a little inaccurate since I think I lost weight after my first appointment there, so I've probably gained a little more, but I think I'm in the healthy range. Anyway, we are so grateful for the outpouring of love and support we have received. Thank you all for your sweet comments and words of encouragement! Trust that I read and truly take to heart all of your kindnesses.

1 comment:

  1. HE LOOKS ADORABLE!!! But I am a little bit biased, his profile does look very cute. So glad you two are healthy and all. Can't wait to see your little tummy in person.
